After An Affair Checklist

Can your relationship be repaired?

Even with the best of intentions you may be not be emotionally ready to confront the events that have transpired. Use this checklist to help determine if your relationship can be repaired.

When you think about the events that have happened you find yourself more resentful towards your partner.
If you answered yes to this question, take some time to determine why this is the case. Have you told the truth about everything? Are you holding on to emotions you don't need to? Do you feel unacknowledged about something? Are you trying to make your partner feel as bad as you do? Be honest with yourself when looking for your answers. You will need to come to terms with your feelings before you can move forward.

You feel that your partner may not be telling you everything.
A yes answer to this indicates a lack of trust, or a lack of honesty. In either case you'll need to resolve why you feel this way before you can begin to repair your relationship.

You don't feel you'll be able to trust your partner again.
Trust is a crucial element to any relationship. If you can't find a way to rebuild the trust, you won't find a way to rebuild your relationship. Recognize this and let your partner know. At this time your paths may be meant to go in different directions.

This is not the first time you have experienced infidelity with this partner.
While a first break in trust can be overlooked, and eventually repaired, a pattern of mistrust is something that needs a closer evaluation. Don't set yourself up for a cycle of emotional abuse because you are unwilling to let this person go.

Read this hot story:
Handling Infidelity

Your partner does not wish to make amends.
No matter how much history you have in this relationship, if a partner does not want to be involved don't get caught up in the trap of trying to bring them back. Talk with each other about the reasons, and if they are still intent on leaving, let them go. You never want to be in a situation where one person doesn't love the other with the same commitment.

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