Can Sex Increase Life Expectancy?-Facts to Know

A question people ask in 2023, what is 'sex', yes I am being silly but in all reality, sex is on the decrease due to sexless marriages or dating apps that many people are looking for hookups and most are wanting a relationship. As a result, masturbating is the only way a majority of us are having sex. Sex is a basic need of human beings. We all need sex and there is some evidence that sex can increase life expectancy. Sex and touch certainly help to cement relationships, improve mental health, and make us happy.

Can Sex Increase Life Expectancy?:While Taoism and other philosophies teach that preserving sexual energies extends life, the opposite just might be true. Sex releases several hormones in the body, increases intimacy and bonding, and works against loneliness and depression. Staying sexually active has physical, stress relieving, social and mental benefits. According to the RealAge books (, frequent orgasms (about 100 per year) can increase life expectancy by 3-8 years, however, keep in mind that the science on this is somewhat spotty. Studies show that men with a high frequency of orgasms have a 50 percent reduction in mortality risk.

The Value of Touch:Touch is necessary for mammals to thrive. Animals and babies deprived of physical touch are sickly and do not develop normally. How touch impacts health is a mystery, but it likely works on several levels:

  • Cements relationships Touching helps create bonds. These bonds provide vital social support and other benefits known to be linked to life expectancy.
  • Increases self-esteem: Self-esteem is largely our perception of worth. Frequent touching is a way to communicate worth to one another.
  • Provides physical stimulus: It is possible that touch releases hormones and other substances much like relaxation and meditation.
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Sex, Touch and Older Adults: There is very little data concerning the sexual habits of older adults. Sales of Viagra and other medications indicate that sexual activity is definitely of interest to older adults. To maintain an active sex life as you age follow the following advice:

  • Be open and honest with your partner about needs, interests, and desires
  • Seek help for any problems that might arise
  • Keep exercising to maintain your libido
  • Keep a healthy weight and blood pressure


Sex and death: are they related?; Davey Smith G, Frankel S, Yarnell J; BMJ. 1997 Dec 20-27;315(7123):1641-4.