Double Standards in Society

The world today is such a hypocrisy. Let's agree it is. It's not okay to be a straight person anymore according to social media standards. It's not okay to have a difference of opinion. You get different opinions, you get doxxed. You say you don't want to be called cisgender, you get doxxed. I don't understand the woke culture, why aren't they researching what things are? The term cisgender- came from a man who was promoting pedophile and the woke media does not want you to know that.

In fact, the Democrats are paying influential people on Tik-tok to promote how great Joe Biden, is and he  s greatest president we ever had. It's very sad that they're pushing this narrative when you know it's bullshit.  I'm tired of the double standards.

Dylan Mulvaney, who is a topic on every website now-a-days, for 'days of girlhood' Many people thought it was a joke at first, mocking sterotype of women but then he decided to get facial feminization surgery and now he is a she, according to Dylan.

Dylan has gone to the White House, has been getting paid to promote products. Dylan has done a lot for herself (although I think Blaire White should have gone as she is more qualified (love your youtube page, Blaire!). Dylan is the new shiny toy that makes money. The more media publishes about Dylan, the more product endorsements she gets and the more money she makes.

That is the double standard now-a-days, the more fans you have, the more time you are in the news, the more partnerships you're going to get with companies. Remember the recent disaster partnership they did Bud light.? Now we have Maybelline  who partnered up with Dylan and people are pissed. One side, the woke left who is praising Dylan and the conservative, who doesn't get why women are not getting roles with companies anymore.

Why are women getting left out so much? We had women's right to go through it for centuries. I mean, think about Henry VIII- He cut off his wives heads (two to be exact) , all because they were not giving him a son. We didn't have much rights. The women's right to vote today in the state of Michigan. It failed, I think, twice before it went through.  Job standards for women have changed. At one point, it was teacher, librarian, maid, housewife and a few other jobs. You couldn't be a doctor or if you did, pay was awful. As a result, there was the second wave of the feminist movement in the 1960s/70s.  Women have come a long way, don't you agree?

I don't have a problem with Dylan getting products, in fact I think it is great. What I don't understand, why don't we have transgender people promoting their own makeup brands? There are a lot of them and to be honest, a lot better than maybelline!

Next topic in the podcast:

Jennifer Granholm. You know who she is. Biden did decide to make her energy secretary. Why? Anyway. She wants to make the United States military to be a 100% electric vehicle or EV by 2030. And she said that she supports the Biden administration's plan to require the U.S. military to have an all electric vehicle fleet by 2023.  Jennifer Granholm, Democrat was the governor of Michigan. Jennifer Granholm was why I left that state.  I remember when she ran against Dick Posthumus , the 61st lieutenant governor of Michigan and a Republican. I was working his campaign in 2002, while I was in college.

Read this hot story:
Man Explains Gives Reasons Minimum Wage Should Be $52 An Hour-TikTok Story

The the area in Michigan where I grew up in, are predominantly Democrats, older Democrats, who are, I guess you could say, more conservative. But the younger people don't care what the political people are representing, all they care about is Democrat vs Republican and nothing more. They are not going to research facts, instead they let the media dictate to them the 'facts' (which you know are pushed narratives, not always facts). Posthumus lost and we had Granholm. I then moved to England and worked in Parliament and later Brussels at the European Union. I was done with the bullshit political lies in America. I guess you can say she was the reason why I left Michigan - no jobs at the time.

Now she is our energy secretary and myself and many others don't get why she was appointed for that role! Many do not know or remember Jennifer Granholm, I think she was was probably one of the worst governors Michigan ever had. I'll be frank, she was a failed politician's triple threat, a disastrous record, broken promises and conflicts of interest. Her record as Michigan Michigan's governor was marked by a budget crisis, a rise in taxes, a poor economy and a rising unemployment rate. With such a terrible record, it's no wonder why she left office as he is highly unpopular. She has a string of broken promises and she pledged to bring new green jobs to Michigan, which was bullshit, by the way. She gave millions in tax credits to green energy companies only for many to file for bankruptcy a few years later, and in almost a comical mismanagement, the Granholm administration granted 9 million in tax credits credits to convicted embezzler Richard Short.

With Granholm praising short as at a press conference the day before he was arrested. I remember that I was out of Michigan at that point. I left Michigan, like I said, because of Jennifer Granholm. The jobs were horrible. There was like nothing. I finished university. I moved to Europe. I worked in parliament, how my internship there. And then later I was oh three and four. I went to Belgium and I worked for the EU. European Union as an NGO or as a translator. I came back home hoping to get a job and I couldn't. Nothing. It was hiring. I agree. I'm the first woman in my family to get a university degree and I couldn't get a job. Because the economy was failing. And it's very sad to all this money. So, you know, anyways, she's has one failed record, but somehow Biden's like, Oh my God, she's gonna be great for the Department of Energy.

The bottom line is Jennifer Granholm was a failed governor who would be who is a failure at. As an energy secretary. Her disastrous record is a warning sign for the very workers whose livelihoods by his policies are already threatening. Which means she does not do her research. Apparently going to college and getting a degree doesn't qualify you to work in politics! I should know I have a political science degree.

There is too much double standards. I if I ran for Congress, I probably would not be elected because I believe in the truth and not the lies. 

We care about bullshit and the reality of his lies is what matters. Fake news is what matters. The truth does not matter anymore. And that's why conservative people like myself included, are tired of it. We are fighting back.

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