Dumbass & Amusing news Around the World Daily Roundup 5/10

'Dumbass & Amusing news Around the World Daily Roundup 5/10 - oh the facepalm for the news today- George Santos, tisk-tisk...

And now for today's Dumbass & Amusing News from around the world:


Don't worry the dead in Florida haven't risen, it was just a police officer making personal purchases with a dead persons stolen credit card (NBC news)

With no suspects and few clues, police have nothing to go on (mynorthwest.com)

Obviously converting MPH to KMH is harder than one would think, especially for this guy (globalnews.ca)

Europe's sexiest former Prime Minister is on the market again. No, Not Boris Johnson (dailymail)


The quickest way to find yourself on the no-fly list is storm an airplane cockpit midflight because you're mad at the dining choices (dailybeast)

Passenger perp possessing pink pot pipe popped by pup for paraphernalia after pitched pipe hits pole tests positive (nwestiowa.com)

Damn, what's the world coming to if you can now get banned for drink driving in pyjamas and Crocs at six times over the limit? Subby may have to park his lawnmower (dailyrecord)

Should you ever tire of sticking your dick in your food, this new "sex-themed" restaurant will take care of it for you (not safe for work) (dailystar)

Step aside, Xennials -- the newest micro-generation has a name: Zillennials. So, they eat avocado toast while dancing in TikTok videos? (cnn.com)

Companies hide important information in unrelated press release, according to....unrelated press release. Waitaminit (a news site duh)


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Dumbass & Amusing news Around the World Daily Roundup 5/5
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