First Visit with the Mistress (Cuckold, fetish, Facesetting, BDSM)

I knock on your door, hesitantly and quite nervous. Upon opening the door, I noticed how slender you are, how sexy you are and how powerful you look. The first thing you tell me is that I am not to say a word while you see me today. You ask me if I understand and I reply "I do." You pull me into your apartment and demand that I to take off my clothes. I do without hesitation.

Once I'm fully disrobed, I can't help but start to touch my growing cock. A riding crop comes out of nowhere and slaps my hand away, missing the head of my cock by mere centimeters so that I can feel the wind of the crop against the head of my cock. You told me there will be no touching of myself around you today. I try to do my best to follow that command. Likely I won't have much of a choice as you will lock me down for the entirety of the session.

You point to the bed in your room and I noticed there are cuffs on all four sides. You tell me to slip my legs and hands into the cuffs. My heart is beating at the suggestion, but I know this is what I want, this is what I came here for. I take my first foray into true submission as I willingly submit completely to you. Once my feet and hands are through the cuffs, you tighten them almost to the point that they go numb.

You tell me that you have a gift for me for following through with my prompt arrival. You place a blindfold over my eyes and tell me that although I get to taste you, I don't get to see what your naked body looks like. I don't get that pleasure quite yet. As the darkness covers my, my sense of taste and smell enhance. I hear the sound of clothes swiftly coming off and you begin to tell me that the gift you are giving me fulfills two of my fetishes in one sexual act. And then you tell me that I get to guess what they are.

I feel the weight shift on bed and then feel the warmth of your thighs on each side of my ears. The slight weight of your body drops over my mouth and I taste you with my tongue, feel you on my cheeks, and even my nose. But soon I realize that you're pressing down on me and I can barely breathe. In fact, each breath I gasp for is a breath that I can only achieve through your body. And each breath I obtain is harder to achieve than the last. You then inform me, as panic sets in, that I need to use my tongue.

Every time I use my tongue to make you shiver with pleasure, you will give me a breath. So, my tongue begins to work overtime. I don't know your needs or wants yet so I try multiple things. At first, I must be shooting blanks because your body is clamped over me tight and there is no movement as my tongue moves up and around inside of your velvety essence. And as I begin to really feel fear again, instinctively my lungs suck in looking for air. It is only then I feel you shiver as my mouth attempts to pull your entire pussy inside of my wet, needing air passage. A rush of air comes in, but that's not all that interests my mouth.

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Facesitting Stories

I realize what the other fetish you have given me right away. A thick, unmistakable stream of cum enters my mouth. You must have felt it leave you because you begin to laugh and tell me that you had a lover here on this bed before I got here. A lover who doesn't need to be tied down, a lover who is worthy to be inside of you, Unlike me of course. And then stream after stream of tart, fresh cum seems to fall into my mouth. And there is no way I can spit it out or do anything with it but swallow it because your pussy is trapped over my mouth and nose, blocking my every breath. But each time I swallow the cum , you feel the vibration and it makes you shiver. This causes your body to move just enough to allow me to grab a gulp of air allowing me to continue to survive.

Once the stream of cum is complete, you begin to ride my face expertly so that there is very little air that comes in. You ride my face for your own pleasure and begin to forget about my need for air. And since my arms and legs are trapped, I can't push you off or remove you from my face. I'm literally choking on your sex and you are not even paying attention. Finally, just as I am about to pass out, you get into a rhythm that is golden for your pathway to orgasm, and you work that rhythm and work it until you explode all over my face. Unfortunately, just before you explode, I pass out.

When I come to, I feel just a slight push of air come into my mouth. You have gotten off my face and opened my mouth, plugging my nostrils. You are blowing a steady stream of fresh air into my open mouth reviving me, which you finish off by giving me a small kiss on my tongue as I greedily suck in oxygen.

I am dazed but I slowly awaken to realize you have undone the cuffs on my hands and feet. You tell me that that is all for today and that I have 1 minute to get dressed and leave your place, and if I do not leave within one minute, you will never speak to me again. Although I am dazed and dizzy, I throw on all my clothes as quickly as possible and shoot for the door. Unfortunately, I trip on the floor as I hear you counting down "5...4...". I Get up as quickly as possible, run to the door, open it, and quickly close it, hoping that I made it out just before the echo of the "1" reached the back of the door.

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