Frugal Living 101

Welcome to another episode of Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen...
Want to give second-hand gifts, but afraid you'll look tacky doing it?...
Dried beans are cheap and versatile. Learn how to cook them, and enjoy...
Not sure how long to cook your dried beans? Here's what the U.S. Dried...
Not sure how to measure dried beans? Here are some helpful conversions:...
If you're looking for the best pumpkin for a pie or any type of...
Pumpkin season is here! I remember my great grandmother making...
Immersion blenders make it easy to blend soups, drinks and batter...
Getting ready to do some baking, and not sure if your baking powder is...
It is 2023 and things cost too much. I am a single mom and I am...
Update your living room this weekend by building your own trendy DIY...
No need to pay a premium for powdered sugar when you can make it...
Have a monster-size medical bill? Negotiate it down to a more...
Saving money is great, but not when it crosses the line of what is...
Ink stains fall into a few different categories. Water based ink...
How to organize your linen closet? It is easy as 1-2-3! Much like a...
Cufflink storage is very important to the man who has developed an...
You know those annoying spam text messages that encourage you to...
rugal living isn’t about sacrifice and deprivation; it’s about living...
A good household budget starts with an honest assessment of your...
A well-planned budget can help you to achieve your frugal goals. Learn...
Whether you're looking to go cash-only or simply wish to reign in your...
Do you have financial dreams or financial goals? While they may sound...
The envelope system is a very basic – but effective – approach to...
Cutting your spending doesn't have to mean lots of sacrifice. Try some...
Stain removal is one of the most crucial parts of handling your...
How to Remove Self Tanner Stains from Clothes - Self-Tanner Stain...
How to remove winter salt stains from shoes. tips and ideas...
The kitchen can be an organized mess, I am sure you can agree with me...
We have a couple weeks of rain and the yard looks like a jungle. There...
You can reduce your stress and enjoy more time for yourself and your...
Laundry is a pain in the butt when it comes to folding the clothes. We...
Whenever you have a few minutes to spare put away five or ten items...
Have you ever sat down in your living room and said "I can't stand...
Unless you spend quite a bit of money on vintage clothing, linen or...
No matter how organized you are, there is at least one out of control...
Read this hot story:
Build-a-Budget Worksheet Printable & Info