Growing your business tips For young entrepreneurs according to a Successful person

We are living in the Digital Age and having a website isn't enough. We need to use social media; use Youtube and other media sites to grow the business, write ebooks and so on...

So I thought I would list Growing your business tips for young entrepreneurs  from a man by the name of Jamie Murray-Wells, someone I met back in 2004 from polo, a lovely person, who inspires others, myself included: (he is a successful business owner- and I remember the few times I hung out with him the summer of 2004, he always had a mind to be successful and he followed his heart - I am proud of what he has accomplished.)

● Start small and grow big – don’t ­overstretch yourself. Develop the smallest possible business model and build up slowly.

● Take risks – don’t be sentimental about an idea. You’re at a stage when you can take risks and be ambitious. If an idea doesn’t work, ditch it and come up with a new one.

● Don’t take no for an answer – my age was sometimes a barrier so make sure you prove yourself. Be persistent and charismatic and you will get what you want.

● Test your ideas on your target audience before progressing and research as much as you can.

● Take advantage of social media – create LinkedIn and Twitter profiles for your business. They are cost-effective ways to communicate with your customers directly.

● Recognize gaps in your skills – surround yourself by people who possess the skills that you don’t, so you’re able to offer the best team possible.

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 Use technology to grow – work out why information technology is critical to your business and select the right technology by asking yourself how you will use it.

● Mistakes are OK – don’t be afraid of making them. I made a lot when I was younger, but I made sure I never made the same one twice.

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