Home & Garden

Home and garden. Get hot news, helpful advice and invaluable perspective from our experts. "Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams"
While there are some accessories every room needs to make it look...
Green is in--and not just as a paint color. The latest, coolest...
Everyone appreciates and benefits from having a neat, clean and nicely...
We all need storage. Sadly, most often it happens without a plan. We...
Attic storage is a great way in most houses for stashing away a few...
Unfinished basements are tempting spots for storing household goods as...
Never let an oily, red tomato sauce stain spoil your enjoyment of a...
If you're looking for simple tips to go green, the following 8 ideas...
Have a monster-size medical bill? Negotiate it down to a more...
Think you want to keep some chickens on your small farm or homestead?...
Maybe you have gone through the 4 Container Clutter Method and found...
We trust the things that have been handed down by the generations...
Removing Pollen Stains- Pollen season.  Pollen gets everywhere. And...
These are laundry rules that our grandparents have handed down to us...
It is 9:40 p.m. and all the kids are in bed. You’re going to relax and...
Your bedroom can serve as a multifunctional room--such as an office...
Easy General Stain Removal Ideas. Removing stains can sometimes seem...
Even if you only have a half a minute to spare, you can accomplish...
If you’re like most people, you probably have at least one or two of...
Probably the most commonly sought-after bedroom vibe is tranquility...
A large part of modern homesteading revolves around sustainable...
Adopting your first cat is a huge step, not to be taken lightly...
We love our puppies so much, it’s fun to indulge them with puppy...
Although some people foods are perfectly safe to feed, there also are...
Read this hot story:
Before You Buy Basement Storage Units-Know this
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