How To be the Best Lover Ever (for the man)

Ladies, I’ll get to you later, this article is for the men. Millions of dollars are spent every year on learning sexual techniques. Many men, and women, spend numerous hours combing the web looking for sex tips and tricks, and there are tons of them. Never give up your quest for perfection! The tips and tricks and a confident technique will definitely help you satisfy your partner, but knowing what to do when you aren’t “doing it” is what is going to make or break you because being a great lover really isn’t all about sex.

The secret? Stop treating your woman like she thinks, feels, and acts like a man. She doesn’t, she never will. We just aren’t made that way. Let me repeat this as it’s really the most crucial thing to learn “Stop treating your woman like she thinks, feels, and acts like a man!”.

Now, don’t get scared, it really isn’t that hard. It takes dedication and a little effort, but it’s not going to steal your life away from you or make you into something you aren’t. She wouldn’t give you the time of day if she didn’t all ready like you, so don’t concern yourself with changing who you are, just make a few small adjustments on changing what you do, it will make all the difference.

These tips apply whether you are sex buddies, just dating, or in a long term partnership. Probably most important in the long term as by this time the glow is off and you are both having to live with each other’s warts that didn’t come out in the beginning flush of lusty loving feelings.

1. Take time out of your schedule for her, every day. Be 100% present with her, even if only for a couple of minutes, or even just a deep hug and kiss, this will melt her heart. If you don’t live with her or see her daily, then call her, or shoot an email, but make it every day however you can work it out.

Read this hot story:
Staying Erect After Orgasm & More-Guide

2. Learn her language. You may never master it, but you can learn it. It’s easy, just ask her what leaves her feeling special to you. You’ll quickly learn she’ll never feel loved by the fact you took out the garbage, or mowed the lawn, and working overtime is not going to leave her hot, wet, and ready to fall at your feet and worship you as the “Man with the Most”.

3. Time together is proof that you care. Print that, underline it and commit it to memory.

4. Never, ever, ever, treat anyone better than you do your woman. Even if she’s on your “shit list”, she still deserves to be treated well. If she sees you treating someone better than her, she will definitely notice and it will create a breach of trust that you might not even understand was an issue to begin with. Treating her any other way than the love of your life is not going to encourage her to treat you better anyway, so just don’t go there.

5. If your woman is seeming difficult to deal with, look at the top tips and see if there is something you are missing. Because in the words of a Celine Dion song “You’ll make a good girl crazy, If you don’t treat her like a lady.”

Now men, please don’t get defensive or feel as if I’m putting all the work on you. I am not saying you control how your woman will treat you, I am saying you can control how you treat your women and chances are they will be more than happy to reciprocate. Women need to do their part too, and I will be writing an article soon giving them some tips to help them treat you like the man you deserve to be treated like. I just need to find a man willing to let me in on the secrets!

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