Ladies: 8 Signs That You Found The Perfect Man

All the good ones are married or gay. View Ladies: 8 Signs That You Found The Perfect Man

He is Friendly and Initiates Conversation

The first time you met he complimented you effusively and quoted When Harry Met Sally before giving you his number so you could get coffee together. He also wore a rainbow bracelet that said "Love Pride," and you were impressed by how open-minded and progressive he was.

You Share Common Interests

It's crucial for couples to have common interests and thankfully you have similar hobbies! You're both fascinated by the male body, you like staring at photos of Benedict Cumberbatch, and you love discussing the qualities of an ideal boyfriend. This is usually stuff you can only talk about with your female friends, so congrats on finding the real deal!

He asks if You'll Go to a Gay Bar With Him

This is an incredibly smart move on his part because he won't have to compete for your attention with other eligible men. Sure, that shows he's a little insecure around other straight, potentially more attractive bachelors, but that just means he knows you're hot stuff! He also left you at the bar to get a ride home with another man because carpooling is great for the environment. What a guy!

It's not Just About Sex With Him

In fact, it's not about sex at all! He hasn't ever made a move to suggest that he wants to get in bed with you, which is so respectful. It almost seems as though he's disgusted by the idea of having sex with you, but that's just because he's a total gentleman.

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He Kisses Another Man at a Party

This is an incredible turn on. What's more attractive than a man so secure in his masculinity that he's comfortable being publicly affectionate with his male friends?

He says, "I'm Gay" 

There's nothing better than an old fashioned man who says words like "fortnight" to mean "I will watch Jane Austen adaptations with you," and "gay" to mean "100% straight and in love with you, a female lady woman." You can respond with "I love you just the way you are," to let him know that his quirks are endearing and that you can't wait to marry him.

He Marries Another Man:

He's totally going the distance to prove to you that he's husband material. This example wedding is also the perfect, loveliest summer event filled with all the right shades of pastel, and it would make you feel awful except now you can expect yours to be just as good. And you've even got quotes for all the wedding expenses! He's so thoughtful.

He Asks You To Give Birth to His and His Husband's Children:

This is huge. It's kind of weird that you didn't marry first, but it's the 21st century for crying out loud - people can have children before marriage! You tell yourself to stop being so traditional and give birth to beautiful triplets named Neil, Patrick, and Harris.