Phone Interview Tips- These Will Help

Phone interviews are an important part of the job searching process, so it's important to prepare yourself for them. This video will offer some tips on nailing your next phone interview.

Keep Notes About Your Work Experience

To begin, make sure you're able to talk about your character, skills, work history, and experiences clearly and thoughtfully. One helpful way to prepare for this is to list on a sheet of paper your strengths and weaknesses. Then, write down a few notes about your work background and any specific skills you'll bring with you to your new job. 

Think about your on-the-job experiences as well. Write down any work-related accomplishments that you find pertinent for the job in which you're interested; also, if you've received any awards at work, write them down. 

Reflect on things you've learned about yourself through your work experience, being sure to note a couple of specific examples of how this knowledge came about.  

Research Company Prior to Phone Interview

Also, make sure you're very familiar with the company to which you've applied. Do some basic research and take notes. Connect the company's goals with your skills and be prepared to discuss.  

It's important to be ready to talk about these specifics at a moment's notice. If you're actively on the job search, have a copy of your resume within reach of your phone. You may want to tape it to the top of your work desk or a nearby wall. 

Also, keep a few sheets of paper and a pen nearby to take notes during the interview. When a recruiter calls, it's best to be ready.

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Practice Responses for Your Phone Interview

Next, practice the interview. Carefully work your way through a list of possible phone interview questions and write down your answers in bullet-point form. Rehearse your answers until you feel you're able to confidently and clearly respond to these questions. 

With a simple computer program or tape recorder, record your voice as you practice. Listen to the recording to judge your clarity and speed; also, listen for any verbal pauses such as "uh" or "um."

During the Phone Interview

If a recruiter calls and it's a good time to talk, fill a glass of water and head over to your prepared space. Be respectful and friendly while at the same time retaining a professional demeanor; speak clearly and slowly when answering questions. 

Also, don't be afraid to smile during the interview—the positivity and confidence will be heard.

Additionally, you shouldn't chew gum or eat during the interview.

Thank Your Interviewer

Upon completion of the interview, be sure to thank the interviewer. Send a brief, personal thank-you note in the mail to the company with which you interviewed.