Scent-ual Beauty

Ah my sensual friends, how fare thee this fine day?

So, what excellent flirting scenes did you come up with from your last assignment? Since our fellow Sensuous Women hail from all over the globe I'm sure we've all got different movies in our journals. My hands-up-fanning-the-blush-away favorite movie for flirting and sensual tension is "9 ½ Weeks" with Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger.

Now this movie is not what I would call "fun" flirting, "9 ½ Weeks" is intense flirting, of the variety that makes your palms sweat and your knees weak. The music is to die for and, well, it is just a good time.

Hmm… speaking of sweaty palms and weak knees, I thought this month we'd touch on an invisible force in the battle between men and women that can cause those very things to happen. No, I'm not talking about gravity, though come to think of it that invisible force can be of help also.

Picture it my friends, a Sensuous Woman passes by a delicious looking man just as she ever so slightly loses her balance (in his direction of course) causing him to gallantly place an arm around her waist to steady her. Hmmm, yes, gravity is a very good invisible force after all, but I'm actually referring to a Sensuous Woman's personal scent which definitely would come into play after being saved from a fall by a gorgeous man.

Way back in the caveman and Sensuous Cavewoman days, it was our pheromones, those invisible scents we all give out naturally, that were the attractors between the sexes. That is still the case today, but now we also have a whole host of natural and man-made elixirs to enhance our own personal scent-ual beauty.

Women have a more developed sense of smell than men so your subtle floral perfume may be lost on your date. It is also true that men have preferences in scent just like women do and many of them prefer a more exotic fragrance like musk or ylang-ylang to something overly floral like roses or gardenias.

Every Sensuous Woman should have a signature scent – or perhaps two. No more than that though because you want the men you spend time with to smell a certain scent and immediately think of you. It is also a nice thing to include on notes and to spray on linens when you expect to be having a bit of pillow talk later in the evening.

Do you have a signature fragrance? A special perfume or blend of scents that belong to you?

If so, I'm proud of you. You've left a trail of men pining behind you longing to have you near them again, the memory of your enticing scent filling their heads with thoughts of only you. For you, it is time to head to the assignment at the end of the column.

Do not worry if you don’t have a signature scent yet. Read on for some suggestions on finding that special fragrance all your own.

When choosing a scent, the most important thing is to make sure you like it. You are finding a signature scent to represent you in someone else's mind so make sure it says something about you.

You really want to put some thought into this, not just run to the local grocery and pick up a bottle of "Cute Girl #2." A million women are out there wearing that fragrance and that will never help you single yourself out with the men, especially if they can buy a bottle of "eau to you" at the grocery.

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So, are you a sporty, flirty kind of girl? Try citrus scents or those with a light floral base.

Are you like a sleek tigress, not giving a man an inch and taking all you are due? Try something exotic like ylang-ylang or sandalwood.

Or are you a classy woman with every hair in place? Try lavender or rose scents.

Are you an earth mother who knows all the secrets of the universe and is ready to share them with someone? Then musk is definitely for you.

Please, don't feel you are limited to only perfumes that come in teeny, tiny bottles with huge price tags. While those fragrances are crafted by masters to be well balanced and beautiful and it is perfectly acceptable to wear them, remember that many other women are also wearing those scents and it lessens their ability to be remembered as your special scent.

So, how do you go about finding something just right for you without going to expensive designer perfume route? Consider yourself a lucky woman. Affordable scents are found everywhere now in the body care sections of markets and specialty stores.

Body washes, sprays, lotions and oils all offer ways to layer scents on yourself and make them as strong or subtle as you like. They also provide a good basis for experimentation and mixing to create that perfect signature scent.

Try wearing a vanilla body lotion with a bit of a lemon spritz in your hair. The effect is reminiscent of a sugar cookie. You may laugh at the idea of smelling of a childhood dessert, but studies have shown that some of men's favorite scents are familiar food-related smells such as vanilla and cinnamon.

Try a jasmine body wash with a small amount of vanilla oil dabbed on your wrist. Jasmine is very calming and seductive when it is not applied heavily and vanilla is my all-time favorite "neutral" scent. It adds depth without being overpowering and very few people find it offensive.

So… here is your next assignment my fellow sensuous women. Head out to your favorite place to purchase beauty items – perfumes, lotions, oils…. the works. Try on some new fragrances and make some quick notes in your journal on how each of them makes you feel.

See if you can come up with new combinations that are better than the scents alone. Even if you have been wearing the same perfume for decades (I was guilty of this, I was just so in love with the fragrance) there is always room for another "special" perfume you pull out only once an awhile.

Have fun and take a friend with you to test your ideas on. Two noses are better than one.

A word of caution: applying several body products from different skin care lines can lead to irritation if the ingredients react with each other, especially if you have sensitive skin. I usually only use one product on the skin and will spritz the other in my hair or dab a bit on a piece of clothing to prevent interactions. Always err on the side of caution.

Let's see, I think I know where I'm going to go. There is a shop that I know which sells soaps and lotions and has over one hundred different varieties. So many options, so little time. I promise I'll give you a full report in my next column and share some secrets of aromatherapy with you to help set the mood for your next romantic encounter.

Until next time my friends, expect pleasure!


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