Sorry Not Sorry: 10 Things You Should Never Apologize for

Often these days, the phrase, “I’m sorry” is used for things that don’t necessarily need to be apologized for.  Who cares if your favorite foods. Perhaps you want to turn off social media and go radio silent for a couple of days. Read on for 10 more things you should never feel bad about…

1. Wanting to spend Saturday night under the covers.  Sometimes you just want a sundae and the Housewives in your bed instead of a guy!

2. Someone else’s case of the Mondays.  You just busted out of yoga singing Rachel Goodrich's song called "morning light" - it is catchy and lovely!  and now you’re at lunch with your friend who happens to be experiencing, ahem, that time of the month.  Misery loves company. Don’t be the one to fall in to the trap!  Find a way to keep that positive streak going and know that your girl will come out of that funk in six days or so.

3. Really wanting a boyfriend.  It’s taboo for girls to proclaim they want a boyfriend because it makes them look weak. Au contraire!  Whoever said not wanting someone to love and have love you back was a bad thing?  Never say sorry for wanting to be in a relationship because having a significant other can be just as rewarding as playing the field! (and dating apps does make it hard to find someone who is NORMAL aka not into hookups!)

4. Reading self-improvement books. Who says you have to be going to therapy to browse the self-help section at Amazon?  Don’t apologize for wanting to learn how to be a better person.

5. Squishing the spiders in your room.  I read somewhere the average person eats eight spiders in their sleep in their lifetime… yeah let’s bring down that average.

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6. Being unable to donate at places.  I am a single mom- and whenever I go out, let's just say I get Taco Bell, at the end of the order "do you want to donate to....."  I have to say no. I don't want to but right now when times are tough, as my grandma would say, charity starts at home..

7. Spending hours in the bathroom.  It’s not what you’re thinking — I’m talking about that lengthy amount of time ladies take when they are getting ready!  It’s half the fun, isn’t it?  All great things take time. Showering, putting on lotion and makeup, drying your hair, styling yo ur hair, and picking out the perfect outfit are no exception to the rule.

8. Splurging your last paycheck on a pair of Hunter rain boots. It’s summer, which means half your time is spent lounging by the pool and the other half working your boo-tay off at that boring summer job.  So if you want to splurge a little on a new designer handbag or iPhone, go for it!  You’re working hard for your money; you deserve a treat!  As long as you’re not maxing out your credit card on, don’t feel bad about one little splurge.

9. Laying out for hours at the beach.  Don’t we all just want to be tan in the summer?  I like to layer on sunscreen and then tanning oil on top to feel safe, but also like I’m attracting the sun.  Sounds like it would all cancel out… but hey, I still get tan lines so I must be doing something right!

10. Party rocking. No excuse necessary LMFAO!

What would you add to the list? Tell us in the comments below!

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