The ABCs of Hosting Thanksgiving-Be the Perfect Host

Thanksgiving is one of the biggest meals any of us will host all year. It's big because of the volume of food, but it's also a big holiday because family and friends travel from far away to make it to the table. The scale of this feast can make it intimidating and overwhelming for the new host.

That's where the ABCs of hosting Thanksgiving step in to help you out. This primer will take Thanksgiving newbies through all the details you need to worry about in planning this holiday feast. Many of them are optional, but it pays to look them over and decide how much they will matter when your guests show up on your doorstep. And if things don't turn out perfectly, remember, everyone who has ever hosted Thanksgiving knows how difficult it is and will cheer on your efforts no matter what happens that day.

A Abundance is the name of the game on Thanksgiving, but you still want to be sure you plan for the correct amount of food and beverages. How to Estimate Food Quantities, and Estimating How Many Beverages to Buy for Your Party will help you with this task.

B Baskets can be your best friend when entertaining. They can be employed to organize your home at the last minute. They can also be used as serving vessels if your party style is more casual.

C Centerpieces will help to dress up your table. Your Thanksgiving centerpiece can be formal flower arrangements purchased at a florist, or a more seasonal arrangement you put together yourself.

D Dressing or stuffing is one of the most popular side dishes at any Thanksgiving feast. Dressing can be made from bread, rice, cornbread, or any number of ingredients, with or without meat. Make sure you serve some at your feast.

E Etiquette rules are varied in every family. Some families are very formal, others are more relaxed in their entertaining style. If your guests are of the more formal variety, you'll want to know how to Create a Formal Place Setting.

F Fun should be present at your holiday table. You can help create the mood for fun by setting up a few icebreaker games at the beginning of your feast.

G Guest list planning is an important part of your preparations. You'll want to have a manageable number of guests for your first Thanksgiving. Don't overwhelm yourself with more dinner guests than you can cook for or fit into your home.

H Hosting a party can be a lot of work, and may put a lot of stress on you, the host. Therefore, follow these suggestions to reduce the stress of hosting Thanksgiving dinner.

I Invitations (written) may or may not be necessary for this party. If your guest list is small, a verbal invitation may suffice. But if your list is larger or includes guests that aren't necessarily close friends or relatives, you may want to write a more formal invitation.

J Jellied cranberries right out of the can or a fresh cranberry relish? The choice is yours but it's traditional to have a cranberry recipe to accompany your turkey.

K Kids' activities are something you might want to consider if your guests will include young children who can't stay involved in a conversation for more than thirty seconds! Their parents will be extra appreciative if you provide amusements like games, coloring materials or Thanksgiving craft projects to keep them occupied.

L Lists are going to save the day. If you can take 15 minutes to organize and write lists of things you need to do, and things you need to buy, you'll feel much more organized and prepared for the holiday.

M Mashed Potatoes and Mushrooms come to my mind when I think about Thanksgiving. Some guests love mashed sweet potatoes and some love mashed white potatoes as a side dish. If you're going to attempt an appetizer course, stuffed mushrooms are a perennial favorite.

Read this hot story:
How To Create a Formal Place Setting in 15 Steps

N Nuts are one of the easiest snacks or appetizers to serve to your guests as they wait for the meal to be completed. Serve some of these Hot Peppered Candied Walnuts for a before dinner treat with cocktails.

O Organization is the key to a successful Thanksgiving feast. And one of the best things you can do to help yourself is to organize your cooking schedule.

P Placecards or pies? Hmmm, which one is more important on Thanksgiving? Well, it all really depends on your guest list. If you anticipate any family fights at the table, place cards are mandatory to head off the trouble. But what is Thanksgiving without pies? They're a classic dessert on this holiday and you should serve at least one, if not more.

Q Quick is the name of the game to have everything prepared on time and ready to bring to the table at the perfect temperature. Have a selection of quick appetizers ready to serve and you'll be able to focus on your other dishes.

R Recipes are the foundation of any meal, but sometimes choosing just the right one is the hardest part - at least I know it is for me! These tips should help to make it easier to plan your Thanksgiving (or any party) menu.

S Serving pieces are something you'll need to think about, unless you plan to plate everyone's food in the kitchen before serving it to them, as in a restaurant. To save yourself the trouble of scrambling at the last minute, think about the serving pieces and cooking equipment you will need for Thanksgiving, and pull them out as soon as possible so they're ready for the big day.

T Thanks and turkeys are the important "t" words of this holiday. The day is all about giving thanks for our blessings, and many families say grace at this meal even if they don't at any other. But we certainly can't forget the turkey on this feast day since he's usually the centerpiece of non-vegetarian Thanksgiving meals. But don't attempt a complicated turkey recipe if this will be your first. Stick to a basic turkey 101 and no one will be any wiser.

U Understanding your own limits is an important part of being a gracious host on this demanding holiday. And so is looking for shortcuts to make your job as host easier to manage.

V Vegetable side dishes are almost as important as the turkey. Choose your seasonal favorite, a tried and true family recipe, or if someone offers to bring something to the feast, suggest they bring their favorite vegetable side dish to add to the meal.

W Wine is often part of a special meal. Choose wine that will go best with a Thanksgiving feast and is most affordable on your budget.

X X-tras are one of the best parts of Thanksgiving dinner. Prepare in the weeks leading up to the holiday to send leftovers home with your guests. They'll remember your lovely feast and thank you again and again in the days following the holiday.

Y Yams or sweet potatoes are a very popular side dish. Purists may shun the marshmallows on their sweet potato casserole, but traditionalists wouldn't have them any other way.

Z "Zillion things to do" may become your mantra as you prepare for Thanksgiving, and you may begin to regret volunteering to host this meal. But remember, as much as you have "to do" for this holiday, there are good reasons to entertain for Thanksgiving, and other celebrations too.