The Importance of A Good Editor

I am going to first post a joke that was sent to me a long time ago before I get into my topic.  This joke fairly well explains for me my point.

In an ancient monastery in a faraway place, a new monk arrived to join his brothers in copying books and scrolls in the monastery's scriptorium. He was assigned as a rubricator on copies of books that had already been copied by hand.

One day he asked Father Florian (the Armarius of the Scriptorium), "Does not the copying by hand of other copies allow for chances of error? How do we know we are not copying the mistakes of someone else? Are they ever checked against the original?"

Fr. Florian is set back a bit by the obvious logical observation of this youthful monk. "A very good point, my son. I will take one of the latest books down to the vault and compare it against the original."

Fr. Florian went down to the secured vault and began his verification. After a day had passed, the monks began to worry and went down looking for the old priest. They were sure something must have happened. As they approached the vault, they heard sobbing and crying. When they opened the door, they found Fr. Florian sobbing over the new copy and the original ancient book, both of which opened before him on the table. It was obvious to all that the poor man had been crying his old heart out for a long time.

"What is the problem, Reverend Father?" asked one of the monks.

"Oh, my Lord," sobbed the priest, "the word is 'celebrate'!"

~ Author Unknown


This joke kind of illustrates the point I am going to make here.  Proofread your story again and again and again.  Then find a friend, a lover, someone to read through it a few more times.  Hopefully then, you will have gotten all of the flubs.

I admit, I still have a few in my stories, but right now, I am working with a friend to go back through all of them and hopefully catch most (if not all) of them.

I use word, but even word doesn’t catch them all.  It just catches words that aren’t words, and incorrect tenses (sometimes) within a sentence.

But words that are spelled right, like: form and from (my big one) : To, Too, and Two : He, She, Her  and so many others can still slip by word.  (and if you’re not using Microsoft word, I am not sure how your program works, but my guess, much the same way)

The flow of your story can be much changed, if cock is actually cook, or chock, or if pussy is puss, or posy, or posse.

Please, just take a few minutes, print out your story and go through and make sure to catch as many typos as possible.  If you don’t have someone to help you, write the story and set it aside for a while, until it is no longer fresh in your mind, then go back and read it though.

When editing your own writings soon after writing them, you are liable to read what you know it should be, rather than what is actually there.  I know, I do this a lot. 

 So please, just take a few moments are edit your story.  It will make it more erotic, if everything is spelled as it should be.

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