The Sexiest Way She Can Put ‘Protection’ On You

If you use condoms for birth control or disease control, you know how to put one on. Your woman likely does too (and hopefully she’s the one doing it most of the time). But let’s face it — it gets boring.

The condom application follows the same pattern – someone rips open the condom package, pulls out the condom and rolls it down your manhood. Further sexual activity commences.

But what if you could make all this a part of the sex act? Instead of stopping your sexual activity to put on the condom, wouldn’t it be great if you could make that part of your lovemaking? It might seem a bit counterintuitive, but in fact, putting on a condom can be a highly erotic act… if she puts the condom on for you with her mouth.

How She Can Seductively Put ‘Protection’ On You

This is a delicate procedure, so it’s important that you guys understand the rules of engagement. The first and most important rule is NO TEETH. Tell her this again and again. Not only can this hurt you (as you well know) but it could damage the condom and then all that effort you expended to put the condom on will be for naught.

So, how is this technique performed? Read the steps below, and then share with your lady. You can guide her through it the first time.

First, have more than one condom handy. The first one might not be usable, or she might damage it on her first try. Not having a condom can vastly change the sexual experience, so make sure you are well prepared.

Next, consider having flavored condoms handy. A condom is not the tastiest thing in the world and you might have a hard time convincing your lady to do this if she’s tasting latex flavor in her mouth. But something that tastes like strawberries, chocolate, or (sexy) cherries? Now, that’s worth popping in your mouth.

Ok, onto technique. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Your woman should first check each condom for a hole by gently blowing into the condom. If there’s even a pin-size hole, she’ll know (the condom will deflate quickly after air is blown into it). Discard any bad condoms. And not that we’re implying you should get it on more often or anything but make sure the condom is not expired. Condoms do break down over time and will lose their effectiveness.
  2. After that dull stuff is out of the way, she should put the condom in her mouth with the rolled part right on her lips and the tip placed so it’s right against her tongue.
  3. She should lubricate your manhood. She might do this before she puts the condom in her mouth. She can use her mouth, or a store-bought lube, but you should be well lubricated first.
  4. Next, she should lower her head so it’s right over your manhood and she should gently place her mouth around the tip of the penis so that the condom starts to cup the tip of it. (You could tell her that at this point, a little tip-of-the-penis play with her tongue might be fun.)
  5. Now she should let go of the condom from her mouth so that it drops over your manhood. With just her lips, she should then begin to unroll the condom down. It’s important that she use just her lips and not her teeth. The motion is much like when she gives you a blow job – she likely doesn’t use her teeth then, either.
  6. She should unroll the condom with her lips as far as she can. If she needs to, she can finish the job with her fingers, but with practice, she’ll likely be able to do the job completely with her mouth.
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Now, keep in mind that this is an art form. It can make sex vastly more exciting, but it is not something that most women will master the first time she tries it. And the first few times, it might take a few minutes as she gets accustomed to this decidedly awkward activity. But after a few tries, it really takes not much longer than putting a condom on by hand… but it’s oh so much more fun!


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