There’s a Vas Deferens Between Men and Women

I was (as usual) making love to my stats today and noticed that someone had landed on my site after searching for "how do the testicles ejaculate?" I hope this brave web explorer wasn't too disappointed, since he landed on a post about female ejaculation. I've decided to treat this as a Reader Question.

So, how does (male) ejaculation happen?
I know, I know - you stroke your cock and the cum just shoots out.

But let's grab our patented S Spot With Salty Vixen magnifying lens and take a closer look...

As you know, the purpose of ejaculation (besides for cum shots in porn) is to squirt out sperm - which is made in the testicles.

Inside your ballsack each testicle contains coils called seminiferous tubules, (assuming you are healthy) the cells in these tubes make sperm constantly from the point that you hit puberty onwards.

Newly created sperm travel into the epididymis where they mature and are stored - it's like sperm school, where they gain the ability to swim and fertilize an egg. [can't you just picture a little sperm gym class?]

The mature sperm hang out in the back of the epididymis until you are ready to ejaculate (but if you make them wait to long they will be re-absorbed into the body).

When it's time to ejaculate, the sperms are packed together tightly (like passengers on a Tokyo subway) at the back of the epididymis - luckily they won't have to swim their way out of your body.

The sperm move out of the epididymis and along the vas deferens via peristaltic muscle contractions (that's the same rhythmic, forward moving muscle contractions that happen when you swallow - it's like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube by squeezing one finger at a time from the back to the front).

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In the vas deferens (which connects to the urethra), other fluids are added to the mix from the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland.