Toxic Friendships- Ending them

Dear Salty Vixen: I’ve had a friend for many years that I now find myself avoiding. I honestly don’t really want to return her calls any more -- all she does is criticize me and make me feel bad.  Besides, whenever we go out, I always end up picking up the tab. What should I do?  I have no idea how to handle the situation.- Signed, In A Toxic Friendship

Dear Toxic Friendship:

Have you ever noticed that everyone talks about (and writes books on, and dedicates songs to…) how hard it can be to get through the loss of a romantic relationship, but when it comes to those that are platonic, mums the word? The truth is, though, that they can be just as -- if not more than --devastating.

When to Let A Friendship End

Friends -- they’re our second families, our trusted confidants and automatic teammates, fellow partyers, side-by-side buddies and they usually last longer than lovers.  On the other hand, sometimes, when you stop to think, you find that certain friendships are causing more pain than laughter, more avoidance than fun, and more grief than relief.

The truth about friendships is that they’re often fleeting. People do grow apart, and sometimes it’s better to just let the friendship fade than to force it. The fact that you’ve known someone since your Barbie years doesn’t give you anything in common as adults except for a once-shared crush on Ken. In order to mature, there are some things you have to let go of, from your Barbie collection to the friends whose company you no longer enjoy or who require much more energy than you’re (or they’re) willing to give.

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