What Happened to ASSTR.ORG – The end of an Erotica Era

40+ year old age groups all know about Asstr.org. It was the first site many people found when they began reading erotica. What was ASSTR? Well, ASSTR.org, the Alt Sex Stories Text Repository, had been serving up the literary goods for decades. 

So those who are tuning in, want to know a little history about ASSTR.Org, here it is:

It all started with alt.sex.stories- a Usenet newsgroup for erotic stories created on May 7, 1992, by Tim Pierce as an alternative to pre-existing alt erotica newsgroups.The group was initially unmoderated, a feature that was not shared by some of the other Usenet or altnet newsgroups. This feature allowed for greater user freedom.

In early 1997 a moderated version of alt.sex.stories was created due to an increasing number of posts by "various pay services, scam artists, and bots". During the twenty years in which it was active, the moderated newsgroup (ASSM) has always operated by cross-posting all approved stories to alt.sex.stories, and was not simply a filtered version of the unmoderated group. All stories posted to ASSM were specifically submitted there.

Day-to-day operations and general direction of ASSM were overseen by the Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository (ASSTR), which coordinated a group of volunteers to moderate the newsgroup using a web-based voting system. ASSTR also hosts an archive of the newsgroup, and hosted a mirror of the Nifty Erotic Stories Archive (gay, now located at nifty.org).

Eventually, ASSM became one of the few remaining active groups in the alt.sex.* hierarchy. Due to competition from web-based erotica sites and communities, the volume of stories posted to ASSM (and thus to alt.sex.stories) had dropped considerably by 2006. The group continued to be actively moderated until July 2017 .

The asstr.org website was last updated in 2017 and is no longer stable, having dropped completely offline in July 2022 only to reappear (with no new content) early in 2023. Much of the content is mirrored to other sites, but these may be severely out-of.date and by September 2023, ASSTR.org is 100% gone.

Who owned it? 

As far as we know, ASSTR is run by Rey del Sexo who hasn't been heard from in years. I think the last known word from him was from 2018 where he states the difficulties of continuing to run the website while also informing the public he has no intentions of quitting. Many ASSTR authors have retired, some have died, and some are still writing in various places. 

While ASSTR.org was a great place to read erotic stories, it was also a place to read disgusting child p0rn and sadly that site was full of it. Why? Because ASSTR believed in Freedom of Speech (read what they wrote in a archived copy of FAQ). Yeah, I know- We all believe in Freedom of Speech, but there is a point, when freedom is too much!( Also read this archived copy of their stance on this matter- a PDF) - Thankfully most Erotic websites (actually I think ALL!) do NOT allow CP on there- No site should have that, that is disgusting to the millionth degree! IN fact I am glad ASSTR.org is done because of that- there were many other others on there who wrote fantasy stories that is for ADULTS and that is how it should be.

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Fun fact: one person who posted at least one story on asstr.org who had served a life sentence for espionage.

Robert Hanssen (April 18, 1944 – June 5, 2023), FBI agent who spied for the USSR, posted a story to alt.sex.stories about his wife (read the full PDF story here) . There may have been others but this is the one that I've seen. It's pretty bad lol.  Those who don't know who he was , here is a brief history:

Hanssen sold about six thousand classified documents to the KGB that detailed U.S. strategies in the event of nuclear war, developments in military weapons technologies, and aspects of the U.S. counterintelligence program.[3] He was spying at the same time as Aldrich Ames in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Both Ames and Hanssen compromised the names of KGB agents working secretly for the U.S., some of whom were executed for their betrayal. Hanssen also revealed a multimillion-dollar eavesdropping tunnel built by the FBI under the Soviet Embassy. After Ames' arrest in 1994, some of these intelligence breaches remained unsolved, and the search for another spy continued. The FBI paid $7 million to a KGB agent to obtain a file on an anonymous mole, whom the FBI later identified as Hanssen through fingerprint and voice analysis. Read the full Wikipedia Article about his life.

So there you have it. Long live digital history but at the same time, long delete the sick shit that was once on Asstr.org

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