Why is there a debate about the g spot?

This is a difficult question to give a balanced answer to precisely because there is still debate about the g spot. If you were to ask a practicing family doctor about the g spot debate you might get one answer, if you ask a g spot sex activist you’d get a different answer, and if you were to ask a medical researcher who has done original research on female sexual anatomy, you’d get another answer.

The shortest answer to why is there a debate about the g spot is that there is still relatively little research and the research we have is relatively new. There is also no agreed upon definitions. The “g spot” isn’t a medically recognized term for any part of female anatomy. And even as a working concept, the whole notion of there being one “spot” doesn’t seem particularly useful. But the term g spot has taken hold in the general public, and many women talk about there being an area that is particularly sensitive and provides intense sexual excitement through stimulation. So medical researchers are left to debate what this subjective experience that many women have is, what the origin of the excitement is, and where it fits into the larger picture of female sexual anatomy and health.

A historian (professional or amateur) of medical research and gender might have a lot to say about why this debate is ongoing. Certainly there is a history of women having less of a voice when it comes to the research and the establishment of “facts” about women’s sexual health and even sexual anatomy. What is interesting about the g spot debate is that some of the early g spot research was inspired by the subjective, anecdotal reports of women, and was carried out in the hopes of explaining a phenomenon that was causing some women anxiety. In this way women’s personal experiences have influenced the research to a point.

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But today there is a small g spot industry, books, videos, and products all designed to “help” women find their g spots. It is very possible that all these consumer goods are leading women to feel that they have to find their g spot, and have these mysterious g spot orgasms, and could, in fact, be adding to generalized sexual anxiety some women experience. There are some people who argue against the g spot and see it as more of a problem than it is worth.

If you are wondering why we can’t just all get a long, and you’re hoping for a point of mutual agreement, you may find it in terms like the female prostate and the urethral sponge. The urethral sponge, at least, is an accepted anatomical term, and the female prostate may soon also become an agreed upon term. Whether these areas are the site of sexual sensitivity, whether they are involved in the experience of female ejaculation, may always be a contention, but most people seem to agree that at least the anatomical structures exist, and we can go visit them when we like.

As a sex educator my interest is less in the debate (although it can make for amusing reading) and more in the way that talk of the g spot impacts our sexuality, what we do sexually, what we strive for, the pressures we put on ourselves, and the ways we choose to explore different kinds of sexual responses.