Woke News: John Hopkins University deletes word “Women” When will this stop?

So, folks, it has now happened. John Hopkins University feels that they need to remove woman (however not man.... ) Why is being a woman an issue? Why is it wrong to say biological woman? LGBTQ+ community wants labels for everything and insist calling biological women "cis gender" - when myself and most women do NOT want that term! We like being called a woman.

Does the woke generation realize how much our women ancestors fought for the right to vote? Right to read books (yes! at one point women were forbidden to read and write!), the right to rule a country? The right to have same jobs as men? Do we forget that? Apparently that is what the woke movement is! To delete everything that it means to be a woman. Again, I am all for Pride Month- I support it 100%!!!!

Look, I go by "Be You. Do You and Shine!" be what you want to be but I would appreciate it if you do NOT delete what being a woman is! In fact, read my daily articles about "A Woman's Voice" - what women have done! 

Johns Hopkins University has erased the word 'women' from a newly produced 'inclusive language guide' in its definition of the term 'lesbian'.

The Baltimore-based university is known for its excellence in education and research, particularly in the field of medicine and recognized as one of the top medical institutions in the world. 

Yet the establishment appears to fall well short when it comes to basic terminology involving the sexes in the university's LGBTQ+ glossary.  

The extensive glossary is filled with definitions that aim to be inclusive, reflecting an evolving understanding of gender and sexual identity.

But the current definition of 'lesbian' describes it as 'a non-man attracted to non-men'. Many feminists were particularly infuriated that the word 'woman' was vanquished - while their gay male counterparts were still referred to as 'men.

The glossary is emblematic of the current struggle being faced by supporters of transgender rights that claim that the word 'women' is 'being erased' in favor of woke terms such as 'birthing people' and 'menstruators'. 

Biological women who are also lesbians have also complained of being bullied and shamed if they refused to have sex with transgender women who still have penises, with Johns Hopkins' new guide likely to inflame that argument further.  

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The World has gone Bonkers- News Roundup for Tuesday May 30

Supporters say the controversial terms are inclusive of transgender men and non-binary people, but critics say they effectively erase another historically-oppressed minority - women, at the expense of a tiny minority.

Some organizations have reached a compromise by publishing guides using phrases like 'women and birthing people,' - but Johns Hopkins has made no such concessions.

Many progressives have taken to using terms including 'pregnant people,' and even 'uterus-havers.'

JHU's definition has been green-lighted by Paula Neira, the Program Director of LGBTQ+ Equity and Education at the university - who is herself transgender.

She works within the school's Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity.

Neira chairs the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity workgroup at the university.

She was one of the nation's leading experts on transgender military service, instrumental in the repeal of the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy in the military which allowed gay, lesbian, and bisexual people to serve openly in the Armed Forces.

The entire department Neira works in is overseen by Sherita Hill Golden, M.D. who has the label of Chief Diversity Officer. 

Golden, who is black, has helped to implement the university's 'Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards', a system-wide policy prohibiting patient discrimination toward employees and trainees. 

Golden also introduced a system-wide unconscious bias and anti-racism train-the-trainer program. 

It has led some to accuse the university of erasing women noting how there is an absence of non-binary-inclusive language when it comes to the definition of 'gay man' - who are still referred to as 'men'.

Historically, 'gay' has been used specifically for both men and women - and more broadly for all homosexual or bisexual individuals, while 'lesbian' had always been a term specific to the female gender. 

The current definition of 'lesbian' in the Johns Hopkins glossary explicitly acknowledges such a shift from previous definitions aiming to be inclusive of non-binary individuals who identify as lesbian.

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