5 Ways to know if you are dating the right person

Dating in 2023 sucks. There I said it. I am speaking for many of us out there especially on Reddit/Bumble. I read daily about the good, the bad and the ugly about dating and I am right there with them. I have been divorced for five years, had one boyfriend since then and when that ended most dates, the dudes didn't disclose they wanted a hookup until the end of the date, to which I replied "no."

U/RSBchaf posted this Bumble app profile, apparently the person didn't want to chat as the response was unkind. U/RSBchaf said before posting the screen pic “The dude had nothing to start with in his prompts so I opened with his job title”

Then you get sick of dating apps, get off of them for a bit. Then you decide to give dating apps another chance and bam! You start Dexting. Online dating, online relationship and eventually you both are comfortable to meet, hit it off and it is official, you are both dating! Remember dating is a friendship that turned to best friends that turned to flirty friends and then the love, sex & relationship happens.

What should dating feel like? Dating should be fun and adventurous and also terrible because it helps you figure out what you can put up with and what you can't. It's an almost traumatic process that every single person goes through at one point, but it helps you find the right person.

Here are 5 ways to know if you're dating the right person:

1. Dating should feel light

You should be able to walk arm-in-arm with the person you’re courting and feel the butterflies in your stomach. You shouldn’t be stressed about the future quite yet, you shouldn’t be worried about what was before. Instead, you should have a smile on your face and a heart full of fire.

2. Dating should feel simple

There shouldn’t be complications, mixed messages, or confusing signals. You should be with someone who is clear with his or her intentions and how he or she feels about you.And you should be able to think, feel, and express the same feelings without fear.

3. Dating should feel like an adventure you’re not afraid to embark on

Dating should be both exciting and comfortable. You should have moments of giddy nervousness as you wait for him to open the car door for you or as you wait for her text.

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You should be surprised at the first brush of your hands, first kiss, first touch. But, you should also feel as if sharing the same wine glass or the same bowl of pasta is the most natural, comfortable thing in the world.

4. Dating should feel like the rest of your life is beginning

It's not that you’ve made relationships the center of your life, but that you’re starting a new chapter with this new person by your side.  And suddenly you’re not afraid of what’s coming your way or how the two of you are bonding together — you are simply walking forward with your heart open wide.

5. Dating - you both listen to each other. 

You should NEVER chase anyone with texting. It is tempting and we all have done that but if the person likes you back, he/she will make an effort. Once you both text/ talk on the phone and finally meet, the listening should continue. If it doesn't feel right, time to block without warning.

Here's what dating shouldn’t feel like (5 Ways):

1. Dating shouldn’t feel like pressure It shouldn’t feel like you’re supposed to be or act a certain way.  When you’re with someone, you shouldn’t feel that you have to change the person you are to make them happy or satisfied.

You shouldn’t have to worry about being anything or anyone other than who you are.

2. Dating shouldn’t feel like expectations

It shouldn’t feel like the other person is wanting you to give more than you can or that he or she is ‘owed’ something from you. This is not a transaction or a ‘deal.’ 

You should never feel the need to give parts of yourself, ever — especially when you’re not ready.

3. Dating shouldn’t feel like twisting in your belly

That's telling you that something isn’t right. It should feel safe.

4. Dating shouldn’t feel insincere

You shouldn’t feel like the other person is holding back or hiding something from you. 

5. Dating shouldn’t start with sex.

Unless you are into hookups, which most are not, there should be ZERO expectations for sex on the first date. No pressure. Sex should come naturally.