Audio erotica – it isn’t dirty It IS Erotic

It is 2024- Audio Erotica is popular. It is hot but sadly, mainstream world dubs Erotica dirty (not the naughty kind!). Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc.. won't allow you to promote your Audio Erotica.

Audio erotica is sexually explicit content that comes in the form of a narrative, usually weaving in the sexy moans and groans that accompany real-life intercourse. If you’re someone that wants to elevate a masturbation session or find it hard to connect with the visuals in porn, audio erotica may be exactly what you’re looking for. A lot of audio companies such as "SoundCloud" will say that Audio Erotica is pornography. Even when you explain there is a difference between Porn and Audio stories, many companies do not listen.

Yes, Audio Erotica is ear porn, meaning, you might get into it and you might not. but as for visual porn , not it isn't and the awesome thing about it? Companies like SoundCloud, will not get it, Audio Erotica is a top seller/listener. I think SoundCloud should have a 'explicit audio' option. 

Bloom, Quinn and myself, Salty Vixen Stories & More, realize, if you gonna have a brand in Audio Erotica, you gonna have to do it yourself and that is what these brands do. So come on and listen. Salty Vixen Stories & More also known as Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen has free Erotica stories 5 days a week at midnight.

Not everyone is into Audio Erotica and that is fine. Just like watching p*rn. Not everyone is into Debbie Does Dallas.  That is fine! 

Audio erotica takes the best aspects of storytelling and auditory immersion and blends them with sexually explicit art. The beautiful and amazing artists have utilized audio porn to amplify what they see as sexy and desirable while completely subverting mainstream filters and sensors that would otherwise squelch these stories. The other wonderful thing about audio porn is that it usually only consists of one or two actors speaking into a microphone—therefore drastically decreasing everything from sexual violence, to STI concerns, to the danger inherent in many other forms of sex work. 


I was once in as sexting relationship with a guy who said he doesn't watch porn but yet he does sexting ( I didn't believe him. Everyone watches porn at some point).

I think the first things first, porn in moderation is not harmful in anyway. The average person who consumes moderate amount of pornography are unlikely to be affected negatively in terms of libido, arousal or stimulation.

Audio porn, it really isn’t too different to “regular” porn. It allows the listener to hear their desired sexual fantasies, and picture whomever they like. As with “regular” porn, if this is consumed in moderation, this is likely to have very little affect on the listeners sexual performance, and may even inspire more sexual liberating ideas. 

We all have fantasies and desires. That is an accurate statement. With that said I had one fellow email me "you are a dirty person for writing erotica and audio erotica. I hope my wife never reads it or listens to it" I responded, because I knew the person "most women read and/or listen to audio erotica. Have you heard for 50 shades of Grey? ;) " . If you like Erotica it isn't dirty. If you don't like it then don't listen/read it. It is that simple.  

Audio Erotica should be for 21+. Many will say 18+ but in my opinion 21+ and should ALWAYS be legal. Characters should be 21+. 


No. I got into writing it after my divorce and a the narcissist sexting relationship that pretty much gave me PTSD. I went to a therapist, shown her my writing and she said publish it. I did and after that my PTSD has pretty much gone away. Writing Erotica has been therapy for me and here I am. owner of Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen and this site ' Salty Vixen Stories & More" A digital magazine with everything including Audio and Loverotica!

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When the PTSD gets triggered that is when I do my best writing. After shit hitting the fan years ago, I was physically sick. Like I said PTSD, let me sum it up. Narcissists give the Empath the Placebo effect. "oh yes I am attracted to you. I like you. Send me photos. We are FRIENDS..." They make you feel comfortable, open up and then the empath eventually caves in and bends at their will.

I have had friends ask me, why did I say no. It is hard for an Empath to say no to a Narcissist and when the Empath does say no? The Narcissist unleashes their wrath and then says "You liked it. You wanted it".  My response as an Empath when I woke up from the placebo effect was "not like this. You lied to me and once I knew the truth I felt like a whore" - this is common reaction. So, with that said when I get triggered, when the PTSD comes out in the open I tell my friends, they roll their eyes "stop talking about it and move on" - I will say to them "when you experience the PTSD I had, you will understand, moving on I have but the PTSD I got from it, is for life and I hate it. I want the nightmare to end!" - that is when I write my Loverotic and my Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen - that has over 20+ listeners! 


Salty Vixen in general began with writing and publishing erotica six years ago. It was in 2022 that I decided, to add Audio Erotica and since then, I have now over 20K listeners and the number continues to grow.  

I write for you the listener/reader. I write in first person, I want you to be part of the show and I always end my podcast "Stay Horny. Stay Wet. Stay Salty Vixen" - that has become my motto. 


The curiosity for better pleasure is always there, The most popular way of getting pleasure is video content, which makes us hooked onto the learned ways of pleasure by repeating actions seen on screen.

Audio content gives you an opportunity to be more creative and it can help with your sex drive. Many sex therapists are encouraging clients to fantasize, since we really are masters of our own domains. With audio porn, we can create our own visuals that suit our preferences and tastes, no matter how unique.


We’re living in a busy world and most often forget to seek help within ourselves. Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen can help you dive deeper into the world of pleasure and help you discover your thrills. Explore the Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen catalogue for all shades of desire and see where the journey takes you. This can be a perfect way to find both your sex toy and audio content based on your mood or preferences you have.

Connect with your body and let your imagination do the wonders. Take time for you and your body and indulge into fantasies specially curated by leaders in audio storytelling.

Come on and listen to Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen- new story Monday-Friday!