Body Signals That Say They Are Interested

Learn to notice the little things about your date's behavior...

Does that look across the room mean they want you to come over? Is the way he laughs at your stories a signal he wants your phone number? Most times, to know what someone is truly thinking you'd need a crystal ball, but if you pay attention to the signals their body is sending, you may finally be able to throw away that tarot deck! The next time you're out on a date, watch for the following signs that show they may be more interested than you think!

1. Extended Physical Contact
Start paying attention to the little things. Does their hand accidentally touch yours? If so, how do they react? Notice whether they jerk it away quickly, or just simply leave it there. The more comfortable they are with close interaction, the more interested they probably are.

2. Lengthy Conversations or Frequent Communication
If someone frequently seeks you out to talk, or you share longer conversations than typical, it's a pretty good indicator that they may be interested, or at least open to becoming more than friends or acquaintances. Next time you find this happening, take the next move and ask them if they'd like to go somewhere with you.

3. Spends More Time With You Than Typical
Let's face it, you don't spend time with people you don't like. If someone tends to make it a point to always be around you, chances are there is a reason. Find out if they're interest is a romantic one and arrange to do a few things with them alone, like going to the movies or out to eat.

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4. They Go Out Of They're Way To Be Nice
Pay attention to people who seem to be doing more than necessary for you. Are they always offering to buy you a drink? Do they frequently offer to drive you places? Do they always open doors for you? See if they are doing these things solely for your benefit, and watch to see if they are doing the same things for other people as well.

5. They Are Genuinely Interest In You
Is the person you're with truly interested in how you are doing? Do they offer advice and counsel when you need it most? Are they always there for you? If so, you may need to make sure you haven't been looking for love in the wrong places. Remember, some of the best romances are based on friendship.


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