How to Ask Her Out On a Date – Tips to Help You Get a Date With the Woman You Desire

Most guys have been in this kind of a situation before. They have been spending time with a woman, maybe at work or at school, and they know deep down that this is the woman they desire to have as their girlfriend. Problem is, they are having a HARD time working up the nerve to ask her out on a date. Well, you have to admit, that can be a BIG problem, because she is not going to be your girlfriend if you never even get to ask her out on a date, right?

The problem that most guys have in this situation is, they are desperate to get her to go out with them, and they are fearful that she will end up saying no. It’s the classic fear of rejection rearing it’s ugly head, and it will keep YOU from ever experiencing the kind of success with dating that you want to have so badly.

You have to keep in mind that when you ask her out on a date, the way that you go about it will have a HUGE impact on whether she says YES or NO, and also on how she starts to look at you. Ask her out really sheepishly, and she will start to see you as a wimpy, awkward kind of a guy, and that usually does not do much to make her feel really attracted to you.

Here are some tips on how to ask her out on a date that should help you get the YES that you want to hear so badly:

1. The tone of your voice is very important.

Asking a woman out on a date in a high pitched or crackling voice that screams out that you are desperate and nervous and hope that she says yes will practically guarantee that you hear a NO, even if she was starting to feel like she was attracted to you. You need to ask her out on a date in casual, relaxed, and masculine tone if you want to practically guarantee that she responds with a YES.

2. Your body language will entice her or repel her.

When you are standing near a woman and you ask her out on a date, she is going to be checking out the way that you are holding yourself, even if she does not realize it. It’s just an instinctual thing. So, you want to make sure that you are displaying proper body language. You want to have her feel like a desirable male, the kind of guy she would be lucky to have a date with.

Read this hot story:
10 Things Men Do That Really Turn Women Off

3. You need to just go for it.

Hesitating, saying a lot of uhms, and ahs, those are going to break your chances of getting her to say yes. Women respond to men that are unafraid to take action, and if you want to hear her say yes when you ask her out on a date, then you need to get right to it and not wait for the “right” moment. If you do, I can assure you that your mind will just keep telling you that it’s not the right moment and you will NEVER ask her out on a date.

4.  Assume she will say YES.

A little trick that successful sales people use to close more sales,  is to assume the sale even before it happens.  How does that help you when asking a woman out on a date?  Well,  when you can assume that she will say yes,  not only will it reflect in your confidence and the words that you choose to use,  but it will also help you to be a little more persistent and women dig that.  Let’s say that you ask her out on a Friday and she says that she is busy.  If you assume that this is just a brush off,  then you won’t persist.  However,  if you assume that she will say YES,  and she says NO to Friday night,  you will be a lot more likely to then ask about another night and that might be all that she needs to feel like saying YES to you.


Just getting the date is only the beginning. You have to know how to make her want YOU if you want to be able to call her your girlfriend…

Go to: How to Get a Girlfriend and Discover How to Approach, Attract, and Date Beautiful Women…

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