How to Flirt With a Woman So That She Can’t Stop Thinking About You!

Being able to flirt with a woman is one of those skills that some guys just seem to have while others seem to have no clue. It’s very important that you know how to flirt effectively with a woman, because without that skill, you are going to have a tough time getting past the point of just meeting her. If you are going to make her want you, then you need to be able to use your flirting skills to really build up the attraction to the point where she cannot stop thinking about you.

Of course, for most guys this is NOT the way that it ends up for them. Instead, they might have a little hit or miss success when flirting with a woman, but they really don’t have much of a real plan to make it happen with every woman they meet.

Here’s how to flirt with a woman and make her feel like she cannot stop thinking about YOU:

1. Women like to flirt in a very playful way, the more playful… the BETTER!

One thing that I have seen is that when a guy is really trying too hard to attract a woman or get a girlfriend, they end up coming off way too serious. Drop the serious act and just be friendly and playful. Flirting is one of those things where you just need to relax and make her feel like she is having fun or else she will probably pass on you and look for some other guy.

2. You need to be able to go beyond talking to a woman, you need to get PHYSICAL!

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Using your body language and the human touch to flirt with a woman will get you a lot further than just talking to a woman. Most guys just start and end with the conversation and don’t go any further. The problem with that is, it doesn’t really build up an INTENSE attraction. Touch a woman the right way when you are flirting with her and she will feel like she wants to melt in your arms.

3. A woman needs to feel like she has to do a little chasing.

If you are the kind of guy that just lingers around a woman and doesn’t really know when to walk away, pay attention. To really build up an intense attraction with a women when you flirt with her, you have to pick the right moment to walk away from the interaction. You want her mind to start racing with thoughts of you, and timing has everything to do with this. Don’t be one of those guys that just stands there awkwardly.

Pay Close Attention

While flirting is a skill, there are ways to get around having to put in a lot of time and effort, you got this!

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