Some Women Are Just … Broken

Listening to a lot of the advice on dating out on the web,  you might come to the conclusion that once you are attracting women,  shit is just perfect and life is a breeze from that point on.

It’s not ALWAYS that way,  though.

There is a truth that you come to know when you have dated lots of women.  It’s not the most pleasant truth,  but it is the truth.

Some women are just … broken. (and this can be said for men too! this article is for men, but women, please read this as this can go both ways!)

Maybe they had a shitty childhood and never were able to come to terms with it.

Maybe they had their heart broken by a guy and because of that,  the developed an almost impenetrable bitch shield.

Maybe they are just flat out crazy.

There are women who look so damn good on the outside,  but are not at all a mirror image of that on the inside.  That’s something that you really only get to know when you have had the unfortunate experience of dating one like that.

When I was first starting to take control of my dating life and starting to actually have success bedding good looking women – I ended up landing this one who was at that point – the HOTTEST woman physically that I had ever been with.

She was 5 foot 7,  maybe 120 pounds,  curvy in all of the right places and the most perfect set of breasts I had laid eyes on.  I was PUMPED that I was actually dating her.

Read this hot story:
Romance On A Budget

On the outside,  she was perfect,  but on the inside,  anything but.  I’ve come to realize why she was the way that she was.  Her world had come crashing down on her many years before I had even met her,  and she had never found a way to deal with it.

Kind of sad.

What it taught me,  though,  the experience of dating this sexy woman who really wasn’t that much fun to be with – was that not all women who are smoking hot on the outside are the same on the inside.

Some women are just … broken.

The relationship only lasted for about 2 months and to be honest,  if she wasn’t so damn hot,  it would not have lasted even that long.  The sex was great but sporadic and in between – a lot of boredom,  a lot of mood swings,  and a lot of confusion on my part.

Get to know a woman first before you decide on being with her just because of what she looks like on the outside.  That’s not some corny platitude,  that’s a lesson I learned from experience.

Don’t get me wrong,  I still date beautiful women.  It’s just not the only criteria that I look at.  When you get good at attracting women,  I mean REALLY good – you have something that most men will never have,  no matter how much they want it.

You’ll have choice.  You will have the choice to date this one or that one.  You will have the choice to take a pass on a woman who’s smoking hot,  but totally fucked up at the same time.

Choose wisely.

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