Why Does My Ex Say ‘I Love You’ & Not Want Me Back?

This surprisingly happens very often and it’s, in my opinion, kind of cruel. It usually happens when your ex is either confused about what they want or they want to string you along for their own benefits.

Personally this kind of action screams the need to pull back and implement “No Contact” straight away!

The reasons for No Contact are:

1). To give your ex the space they need to make up their mind whether they want to be with you or not, and no you can’t influence them by calling and begging them back.

2). Give yourself the time to figure out what you also want from the relationship.

3). Give you both the opportunity for a new beginning when you DO come into contact again.

It is much advised NOT to remain friends with an ex that exhibits this kind of yo-yo like behaviors. It is too confusing and will mess up your feelings even more. You don’t want to be dragged around by your ex for months or even years because they couldn’t make up their mind.

There are other better ways to get them back and remaining friends straight from the get-go usually gives unpredictable results. You’ll also have to deal with the pain of being with them but ‘not’ being with them, if you know what I mean.

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