Readers Respond: What’s Bad Sex?

Question Yourself

Bad sex is when in between thrusts and moans your mind is questioning why he deserves to have you. Its when you realize that besides a few laughs the only relationship you have with him is sex. Bad sex is when you want ALL of him and he only wants your vagina and your shoulder to grasp. Bad sex is when you lose your virginity to a man who was rough and impatient, one who forced himself in.
—Guest guest

Bad Oral

Okay, so when you have sex you know there's gonna be some swelling afterwards, but when a guy goes down on you there should not be swelling all up on one side all bruised because he thought sucking the whole time was good for you and no, whimpering is not a good sign guys, at least not during anything short of hardcore, bondage, or role-playing, but least of all not oral, and a hickie down there tears really easy. sure when a girl begs for it go ahead but when shes pushing you away and trying to get you to at least move around quick sucking, start licking. Nibbling and sucking should be at a minimum, focus on licking, tongue penetration and fingering and for god sakes move around, get everywhere within a 3 inch radius.
—Guest 69

When He Just Doesn't Listen.

Well me and my boyfriend are both into him taking over, dominating and restraining me like a primitive beast. But there are some times I just want warm cuddly sex with soft thrusting and caressing. Now I'm kinda the shy one about trying to suggest new things or different techniques so I try to steer the movement during sex but he's so much bigger and stronger than me and when I try to change the thrusting or position he thinks I'm playing along and restrains me tighter when I really want him to calm down for a bit. Another thing is when I just wanna make 'pillow-talk' afterwards and lay with him he tends to fall asleep or just keeps it going, oral, fingering, making out, and the like trying to get it up for round two when I'm already satisfied and don't want to keep going cause I'm too sore and I don't want to waist more condoms on sex I'm not going to get anything from.
—Guest Cassidy

Bad Sex=feeling empty and sad after

I have to agree on this one. I was married for 32 years hurt my back permanetly everything went down hill after. I just can't be what I once was..
—Guest Bob Queen

So Called Make Up Sex

Bad sex is when you & your husband of LONG yrs have been fighting for 2 daya & instead of rebuilding hurt feelings (let's face it, we've all said some really bad stuff when happens) all he cares about is "make-up sex" (he said he heard about it on"Seinfeld" a freakin TV show for cryin out loud!!) . I used to be able to go from fight to sex w/o another thought, & he would say your just don't get over a fight that quick. But as I got older & we have been married longer, I find it really hard, & sometimes like being used, to just "forget" everything that had been said that day. But to my husband's credit, our love life is WAY better now then when we first got married, but it's not as easy to brush it off & act like nothing happened anymore.
—Guest Julie

Bad Sex – When she doesn’t feel anything

My wife has MS. She has no feeling from her shoulders to her knees. It is not her fault – it is the condition. We have been together 20 years. When we first met the sex was incredible, but what made it best for me was when she enjoyed it. As she has lost sensitivity, I have lost my desire. So my hand has become my best friend. We still cuddle – it is not like a good orgasm.
—Guest GuestMedic

its all in your head

Bad sex is when your bf shows you a pair of leopard g string panties but tells you that they are for him. Good sex is when you feel so horny and sexy that you forget alll your insecurities and all your problems and your only desire is to fuck. Not even to cum but just to fuck...and fuck. The guy is not concentrating on whether hes gonna make you cum or not and your both in a trance.
—Guest sexbot

No rythm, no movement

I had a terrible partner - no rhythm, bad kisser (sloppy, bad aim), no sense of me or my body, ignored me when I tried to show her my erogenous spots; above all though: she seemed to try to actively cancel out my attempts to get some kind of in and out motion, and would constantly try to close and straighten out her legs. It was like she'd try to actively cancel out any rhythm. Plus, even after we were exclusive and tested free of STIs, she insisted on a condom at all times (huge sensation duller/killer). So, um, yeah, I'd go limp. Meanwhile, she insisted on trying for simultaneous orgasm at all times. Oh, and she was too sensitive to keep going if she came first. Yeah, that was horrible sex: it was like trying to have sex with someone who actively fought you, every step of the way.
—Guest Fred
Read this hot story:
Satisfying Women Sexually May Be Complicated, But It Creates Male Superheros

Conventional Sex?

When a woman demand you only "Conventional Sex", no foreplay, nothing before, only pump... that is sad and very bad sex, the worst was I was doing it for half hour, I felt that I was used but what the hell. I least if I am going to be used, use me well!!!!
—Guest The No Conventional Guy

Bad sex = feeling empty and sad after

Bad sex is when you are with someone you love... are maybe even engaged to... are building a life around... when it started out intense and exciting between you, but now there's fighting and misery, and although you are unhappy you just can't picture your life without her, so you stay... bad sex is when you initiate it because without it you feel neglected, and although you work hard to make sure she has an orgasm, all either one of you can think about are the rotten things you said to each other in the last blowout, and no matter what happens in bed, you are left feeling sad, empty and unfulfilled. That's bad sex.
—Guest Confused

When Size Gets in the Way

Size is not supposed to be everything but what happens when your partner is huge and you try to take him perform all the sexual tricks he wants but he has no patience.....that's BaD SEX
—Guest strawberry

lack of chemistry

My last gf would catch herself up if she thought I was heading towards an orgasm faster than her and we always both came usually at the right time as in her just before me. But with this new girl i don't feel right. It's like my own orgasm is only mediocre because she's not gonna cum... I said sorry and shes like no really i still enjoy it a lot but it's a shitty consolation...
—Guest nocrush

When it isn't mutual pleasure

My boyfriend and I were getting tired of the same ole sex routine so I did some searching to find some exciting positions and found one that sounds super promising (CAT). I pitch it to my guy and he says, Yeah that sounds nice for you but not so good for me so no. He won't even try it... The worst sex is when he doesn't even care enough to want to pleasure you, even though you do things to pleasure him ALL THE TIME. Sadness 🙁
—Guest Hope "For Better Sex" Jones

Lack of foreskin

Male circumcision causes chafing and discomfort for both parties. Foreskin restoration can greatly improve the experience. For information, see Sex as Nature Intended It by Kristen O'Hara. For information on foreskin restoration, see the TLC Tugger by Ron Low.
—Guest Thank you

Just not good

Sex is sometimes amazing, but with this one girl I was seeing it was boring, and not just for one reason. Maybe it was lack of chemistry or whatever. 1. Bad kisser. Not terrible, but sloppy. It hurt when she sucked my tongue. 2. No kissing of the neck or other part of the body. No blowjobs. Ever. She stopped me from eating her out every time even though I have gotten plenty of girls off with my mouth alone many times. 3. It always hurt when I entered her and for the first 5 minutes of sex. She is not a virgin and she was sufficiently wet beforehand. She apologized for not being able to take me. I am above average and some girls call me big (wide) but I am not huge enough for this to be a problem. 4. Only missionary position. I tried on the side and her half on her stomach but doggy and anything else hurt too much. 5. She gave me a few signs she got pleasure, but they didn't last too long. A lot of time I was wondering if she was fully enjoying it even though she said she was.
—Guest gottagetlayid

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